Installation of two new catch basins and required earthwork to recontour the area to improve drainage.
Installation of approximately 300 LF of PVC pipe around the perimeter of a covered playground area to improve drainage.
Interior renovations to the Coffman building located on the Whidbey Island Fairgrounds in Langley, WA. Renovations include walls, doors, flooring and…
Construction of an 8,840-square-foot addition to the old City Hall building, in addition to the demolition, installation and painting of new siding…
Construction of a new Type V-B, wood-framed, 7,202 square-foot Fire Station and all associated site work.
Security upgrades to the existing emergency department check-in desk. The scope includes enclosing the area with GWB walls and ballistic glazing, adding…

Demolition of the Mount Vernon City Hall Finance Department front counter and associated desks. Demolition of the “Old” Library bookshelves, desks,…
Tenant Improvements to the Hillcrest Park Lodge.

Complete site preparation and underground utilities for 15-unit affordable housing development. Work included stormwater detention and concrete…