Projects – Civil

Paving Olympic View Elementary parking lot.

Complete an on-site sewer upgrade for Fort Ebey in Coupeville.
Civil Construction
With over 20 years of heavy and civil construction company experience, Valdez Construction, Inc. has extensive knowledge and expertise as an excavation company in underground utility construction, excavation, hauling, grading and demolition. We strive to maintain the latest technology, including creating 3D construction models and using GPS machine controls on our civil construction projects to ensure quality results.
Valdez Construction is a top-rated civil construction contractor in Oak Harbor with long-standing roots in the greater Washington area. Whether it’s working with the local Oak Harbor School District for elementary school parking lot upgrades, restoring a beach for the Department of the Navy and Naval Air Station Whidbey Island or working with the National Park Service, our reputation for excellence is well-known throughout the industry.
We also contract smaller civil jobs, including completing dirt work, septic designs and installations and drainfields for other contractors in the area. We have extensive experience working with both Island County and Skagit County regarding land development and civil-related jobs. Not only have we helped install small residential septic systems, but we also have experience installing septic systems on a large scale for the National Park Service and Washington State Parks in both the Hoh Rain Forest, Fort Ebey State Park and Mount Rainier, to name a few. Valdez Construction has also completed civil construction on landslides, helping to stabilize areas to help minimize and prevent future erosion and damage.