Projects – Government

HDPE Debris Deflector Repairs – NS Everett
HDPE Debris Deflector at Naval Station Everett

Pier B and South Wharf repairs.

Install Eyewash Station at NAS Whidbey Island – NAVFAC NW
Eyewash Station NAS Whidbey Island

Build an eyewash station at NAS Whidbey Island.

Little Pend Oreille National Wildlife Refuge – US Fish and Wildlife
Little Pend Oreille National Wildlife Refuge - US Fish and Wildlife Service

Constructed visitor site features, including a boardwalk, stone structures, asphalt and concrete parking areas.

Marblemount Ranger Station Renovations – National Park Service
Marblemount Ranger Station Renovations Washington

Demolished and removed existing pavement and installed catch basins and an oil-water separator.

Storm Outfall Repairs – NS Everett
Outfall Repair at Naval Station Everett

Outfall a storm drain and waterfront hardware repairs for Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC).

Restore Aviation Survival Training Facilities – NAVFAC NW
Restore Building Systems Aviation Survival Training Facilities at NAS Whidbey Island

Restore building systems at the Aviation Survival Training Facilities/ASTC Whidbey Island.

San Juan Maintenance Building – National Park Service
San Juan Island Maintenance Building

Construction of a maintenance storage building, waste and recycling enclosures and associated site work and the demolition of existing storage shed.

Government Construction

Valdez Construction, Inc. has completed more than 100 government contracts over the last 21 years, partnering with local, state and federal agencies. We are successful at navigating the extensive specifications and regulations that are associated with government contracting. As a recommended government construction contractor expert, we understand the scope of government work, which allows our team to manage large-scale projects effectively.